divendres, 31 d’octubre del 2014



I 'm at a party, but all I want to do is get home. And then I hear my mother's bell. I go to find her. She's alone. She's not supposed to be alone. I run up to the house to find my dad. There 's something wrong. It doesn't safe. There's something evil in the house.

divendres, 10 d’octubre del 2014


My best inteligencies are Linguistic, Interpersonal and Intrapersonal.
Acording to this, posible jobs I'd like to do in the future are :

INTELLIGENCE 1: Intrapersonal.

 Intrapersonal Intelligence has been misunderstood for many years. It gives a person a deep knowing about subtle aspects of people, situations, and things around them.
This kind of intelligence is extremely discriminating, noticing any change, and being consciously or unconsciously aware of the inner workings of anyone or anything they come in contact with. They can express that intelligence through writing, music, art, movement, even through the fields of spiritual and psychic experience.

This is the most private of all the multiple intelligences. They prefer to flow their way through life, sensing and knowing intuitively the best response in any situation.

They tend to be quiet, reflective, and not to talk a lot. They are very much at home in the field of Alternative Health Care, or any type of work that uses their special intelligence.

POSSIBLES CAREERS: Psychologist, Therapist, Entrepreneur


Intel·ligència intrapersonal ha estat mal entès per molts anys. Li dóna a una persona un profund coneixement sobre els aspectes subtils de la gent, les situacions i les coses que els envolten.
Aquest tipus d'intel · ligència és extremadament exigent, en notar qualsevol canvi, i sent conscient o inconscientment conscient dels mecanismes interns de qualsevol persona o cosa que entren en contacte amb. Poden expressar que la intel · ligència a través de l'escriptura, la música, l'art, el moviment, fins i tot a través dels camps de l'experiència espiritual i psíquica.

Aquesta és la més privada de totes les intel · ligències múltiples. Prefereixen a fluir el seu camí per la vida, sentint i sabent intuïtivament la millor resposta en qualsevol situació.

Ells tendeixen a ser tranquil, reflexiu, i no parlen molt. Són molt a gust al camp de la medicina alte

POSSIBLES TREBALLS: Psicòleg, Terapeuta, Emprenedor

INTELLIGENCE 2: Interpersonal

Is another familiar multiple intelligence which is easly reconized. People who do well is sales. politics, public speaking, the enteratainment industry- all have a gift for handling people.

They may not know how they do it but they have a highly developed sensitivity or insight into how people feel, and they can use that intelligence to manipulate, persuade, entertain, comfort, please, or control people in negative or positive ways.

This intelligence is found in very sociable people who are naturally skilled at working with groups or on teams.

POSSIBLES CAREERS: Atministrator, Psychologist, Nurse.


Intel · ligència interpersonal és una altra intel·ligència múltiple familiar que es reconeix fàcilment. Les persones que fan bé en vendes, la política, parlar en públic, la indústria de l'entreteniment - tots tenen un do per a la manipulació de la gent.
Potser no sàpiguen com ho fan, però tenen una sensibilitat altament desenvolupada o una idea de com la gent se sent, i poden utilitzar aquesta intel · ligència per manipular, persuadir, entretenir, comoditat, si us plau, o persones de control de manera negativa o positiva.

Aquesta intel · ligència es troba en persones molt sociables que són naturalment destres en el treball amb col · lectius o en equip.

POSSIBLES TREBALLS: Psicòleg, Administrador, Infermera.

INTELLIGENCE 3: Linguistic

Is the ability to use words and language with ease. These people think in words rather thanaa pictures. They appreciate the subtle shades of meaning among words. For exemple they would distinguish between spilling something-"intentionally", "deliberately" or "on purpose".

They also have a strong appreciation of the rhythms, and sound of words, and are fascinaated with the different ways they can use language to persuade, entertain, inform, comfort, motivate, manipulate or control pthers around them.

POSSIBLES CAREERS: Attorney, Journalist, Teacher.


És la capacitat d'utilitzar paraules i el llenguatge amb facilitat. Aquestes persones pensen en paraules en lloc Thanaa imatges. Ells aprecien els matisos subtils de significat entre paraules. Per Exemple ells distingir entre vessament alguna cosa- "intencionalment", "deliberadament" o "a propòsit".

També tenen una forta apreciació dels ritmes, i el so de les paraules, i es fascinaated amb les diferents formes en que poden usar el llenguatge per persuadir, entretenir, informar, comoditat, motivar, manipular o pthers de control al seu voltant.

POSSIBLES TREBALLS: Advocat, Periodista, Professora. 

divendres, 3 d’octubre del 2014


                                                                    MY MOTHER

My hero is my mother because is the best, is with me all that I need, when I'm good and when I'm wrong.
She is brave.
She is charming.
She is generous.
She is hard-working.
She is reliable.
She is sensitive.
She is my hero because always help me, always there when i need, comforts me when I cry, when i laugh,  she laughs with me, because it is the person who loves me more in the world.