divendres, 10 d’abril del 2015


Sofia Valiente

12 January 2014
Pahokee, Florida, USA
Richard plays basketball at Miracle Village.
Miracle Village, on the southeast corner of Lake Okeechobee in South Florida, in the midst of sugarcane fields and five miles from the nearest town, houses a community of 100 sex offenders. It was set up by an evangelical pastor, Dick Witherow, as a sanctuary for people he terms ‘modern-day lepers’—subject to lifelong restrictions on their movements, which often leave them few options of where to live. Residents of Miracle Village include people sentenced for offences such as the possession of child pornography, and a man who at the age of 18 had sex with his 16-year-old girlfriend. Many are tagged with ankle monitors, must obey a nighttime curfew, and cannot own a laptop or mobile phone.
12 de gener de 2014
Pahokee,  Florida, Estats Units.
En Richard juga a basquet el Miracle Village.
Miracle Village , a l'extrem sud-est de l'estany de Okeechobee al sud de Florida, al bell vitg de camps de canya de sucre a cinc milles de la ciutat mes propera, alberga una comunitat de 100 delincuents sexuals. Va ser fundada per un pastor evangèlic, Dick Witherow, com a santuari per persones que ell anomena " leprosos moderns"- subjectes a restriccions de per vida, que sovint els deixen poques opcions on viure. Els residents de Miracle Village inclouen persones condemnades per delictes com possessió de pornografia infantil, i un home que quan tenia 18 anys va fer sexe amb la seva novia de 16 anys. Molts identificats amb una polsera al turmell, han d'obeir un toc de queda nocturn, i no poden tenir ni portàtil ni movil.

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