dilluns, 15 de juny del 2015


My cousin James and my mum are two very important people for me. Whenever we can, we have lunch together, to talk about our things.
In this photo we were eating at Duran hotel in  Figueres and I took the picture.

James is 28 years, he is an architect and works in Roses. When I need help I can rely on him, and so far has never failed me.
He has a  good relationship with my mum and we have confidence in each other.
Sometimes James comes round home to explain his problems to her.
Sometimes I get annoyed with him because he likes to wind me up, but he is an important person to me.

Audio recording and upload >>


These are Nuria and Montse,  my aunt´s friends since childhood. They both love carnival. Every year, with a little money, they design nice costumes. They usually go to all the diferent carnival parties in different towns
In this photo they were dressed up as mimes, they used things they had at home to make the costume. Whatever they needed they bought it in a Chinese shop, and without spending much made a nice costume
Mimes are comical characters that use the hands to communicate

Online recording software >>


Here we have Irati and Mikel, my mum's friends' children that live in the Basque Country, dressed as "Kaxeras", villagers).
On the 21st of December in Donosti they celebrate the festivity of Saint Thomas, people dress up as "Kaxerras".
It is celebrated since long ago and represents the basque people who lived in far away towns and used to come to town to buy things they couldn't find at home.
The also trade different homemade products
Irati and Mikel were dressing up for the first time

Online recording software >>


The players of the Fortia football team have come second in the league and have won promotion to 3rd Catalan league.
The coaches are David Maspla and my cousin James
Fortia is a small vilage, but people love football and the pitch is always full.
This year, to thank their support, the players made a special banner to thank the fans' support during the year in the last game of the season played at home,  
It was a nice gesture from the players.

Audio and voice recording >>


My mum and I when I was younger, playing to see who could eat a slice of watermelon we had in our mouths.
We liked to play and do silly things
When we see this photo, my mum tells me how it looks like we were sharing the watermelon and she tells me that in this life we have to learn how to share, and that we get what we give.
It is a charming and funny photo!!!

Online recording software >>


This photo was taken by my uncle. When I see this image I think that when someone has a child or a grandniece are connected for the rest of their life.
The hands of the parents or grandparents in this case, holding the baby  from each side represents  parents or grandparents protecting their baby or their grandson with love and care.

For me its a sweet and affectionate photo ann I like it very much!!


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Here we see the horses and giants dancing a typical dance in my grandfather's town, Sant Feliu de Pallerols. 
It is a traditional dance where cardboard horses  guided by children or boys from the village and the giants dance different dances in the square and make a parade through the streets of the village  with the "mulassa", a fantastic beast.
Sant feliu de Pallerols is a village located in la Garrotxa and the horses, giants and "mulassa" are recognised cultural heritage.

Audio and voice recording >>


Last year we came back from Ireland on my birthday, I was turning 15. 
When we arrived at the airport of Barcelona, my friends gave me a cake and I blew the candles .
Before leaving Ireland, my friends told my mother to take the cake tothe airport and give me a surprise.
It made me very happy. You are awesome!!!!

Record music and voice >>

dijous, 11 de juny del 2015


This is one of the many photos I have with my friends, which I find it's very funny.We are always doing silly things, but I especially like this photo because we're all laughing.
This phoyo is hanging in my room and when I'm a little sad  I look at it and  I'm happy again remembering the nonsense that we said when we took the photo.
My friends are very important to me!!!

Record and upload audio >>

dimecres, 3 de juny del 2015


 My grandparents are amazing. My grandad's name in Joan and Paquita. They live in Fortià, and I have lunch with them. My grandma cook very well. Her macarroni are espectacular.
They mean every thing to me !!!!



My friend Mariona and I have a dream: when we turn 18 we want to go to Africa to help children. We would go with an NGO. We would help working in a school.
I know this experience would be very difficult, but it would also be satisfactory.

dilluns, 1 de juny del 2015


Since I like children a lot , when I grows up I would like to be a teacher. I would to have a nursery school would teache them to coust the colours, to dress up, to play and other things.
The children are innocents, playful, smart....... Children are amazing.


Last summer I went to Ireland. I stayed fifteen  days in Galway, which is a city located in the North-West coast of the Republic of Ireland, called Eire in Gaelic, which is another language spoken in this country. There I met a lot of people and I visited a lot of places. Galway is a welcomimg and charming city full of interesting things to see. I will go back!!!!

dilluns, 25 de maig del 2015


My father is very important for me because he is a generous person and he cares for me.He always helps me. He is always there when I need a good haircut , because he  is a hairdresser, a good hairdresser. He laughs with me but at the same time he is strict. He likes practicing sports. He and my brother Max practice Aikido, he is red belt. Aikido is a Japanese martial art, which is also called the art of peace.

dilluns, 18 de maig del 2015


My favourite photographer is my uncle Xavier. He travels a lot around the world, for example he has been in places like India, Iceland, Myanmar, Wild West America, Italy, New York, Scotland......
He loves his job. I like his photos because they are original, colourful, dramatic, moving and striking. 



divendres, 15 de maig del 2015


I have known Mariona for 4 years . Mariona is a really good friend. She's intelligent, funny, laugthy. Mariona always helps me whern I'm sad or in trouble. She is a great person and a great friend,.  I love meeting  Mariona because the moments with her are unique. She is an excellent person.We have a lot things in common, for example we both love to go out partying.

Mostrando IMG_0184.JPG

diumenge, 10 de maig del 2015



A trip to remember was the 4ESO end of course trip with all classmates. It was a wonderful trip during which we visited a lot of interesting places. What I enjoyed the most was the Colosseum and the free time  we had to go and see what we wanted. I had already been to Italy, but this experience with friends was unique. It was a fantastic trip, spectacular, hilarious......  I  will remember this trip for the rest of my life.

divendres, 24 d’abril del 2015


In one of these photos we can see Mariona and me in front of the Colosseum in Rome and in the other we see Aina and me at the top of the dome of Florence. This was a very good day in Florence and Rome. 

divendres, 17 d’abril del 2015


1. Link

Where are you from? South Carolina
Is it the first time that you are in Spain? No
How did you come here? By plane, ship or train? Ship
Why are you in Brcelona? Vacations
How long are you going to stay here? 2 more days
Are you travelling with family or friends? My hausband
What have you visited up to now? Market
What do you like the most in Brcelona? The weader
Is there anything you don't like? No
Have you bought any presents ? No
How do you get around in the city, by underground, car bus or root? Bus and walking
Do you know any words in Catalan or Spanish? Yes "Si, Gracies"
Do you think Barcelona is expensive? No
Do you see any differences from your country? Yes
Do you take a lot of pictures? What do you like taking pctures of ? Yes , the Histori
Will you come back again?  Yes

2. Link

Where are you from? Switzeland
Is it the first time that you are in Spain? No
How did you come here? By plane, ship or train? Ship
How long are you going to stay here? 4 hours
Are you travelling with family or friends? family
What have you visited up to now?  Shops
What do you like the most in Brcelona? Rambla
Is there anything you don't like? No
Have you bought any presents ? No
How do you get around in the city, by underground, car bus or root? Bus
Do you know any words in Catalan or Spanish? No
Have you tried any typical Spanish or Catalan food? No
Do you think Barcelona is expensive? Normaly
Do you see any differences from your country? No
Do you take a lot of pictures? What do you like taking pctures of ? Yes.
Will you come back again? Yes

divendres, 10 d’abril del 2015


Sofia Valiente

12 January 2014
Pahokee, Florida, USA
Richard plays basketball at Miracle Village.
Miracle Village, on the southeast corner of Lake Okeechobee in South Florida, in the midst of sugarcane fields and five miles from the nearest town, houses a community of 100 sex offenders. It was set up by an evangelical pastor, Dick Witherow, as a sanctuary for people he terms ‘modern-day lepers’—subject to lifelong restrictions on their movements, which often leave them few options of where to live. Residents of Miracle Village include people sentenced for offences such as the possession of child pornography, and a man who at the age of 18 had sex with his 16-year-old girlfriend. Many are tagged with ankle monitors, must obey a nighttime curfew, and cannot own a laptop or mobile phone.
12 de gener de 2014
Pahokee,  Florida, Estats Units.
En Richard juga a basquet el Miracle Village.
Miracle Village , a l'extrem sud-est de l'estany de Okeechobee al sud de Florida, al bell vitg de camps de canya de sucre a cinc milles de la ciutat mes propera, alberga una comunitat de 100 delincuents sexuals. Va ser fundada per un pastor evangèlic, Dick Witherow, com a santuari per persones que ell anomena " leprosos moderns"- subjectes a restriccions de per vida, que sovint els deixen poques opcions on viure. Els residents de Miracle Village inclouen persones condemnades per delictes com possessió de pornografia infantil, i un home que quan tenia 18 anys va fer sexe amb la seva novia de 16 anys. Molts identificats amb una polsera al turmell, han d'obeir un toc de queda nocturn, i no poden tenir ni portàtil ni movil.

dijous, 19 de març del 2015




This story is about a girl named Haze i is diagnosed with lung cancer and his mother forces him to go to a support group and there meets a boy named Gust and fall in love. They have a long life ahead until the day that Haze Gust loses his illness.

My best part is when Gust and Haze know in the support group.

divendres, 13 de març del 2015



LYRICS:                                                                                             TRANSLATION

What would I do without your smart mouth                                   ¿Que faria jo sense la teva boca inteligent?
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out                                         Que m'excita, i hem dona patades a la vegada
Got my head spinning, no kidding,                                                 Tinc el meu cap donant voltes, no es broma

 I can’t pin you down                                                                          No hem puc aturar            
What’s going on in that beautiful mind                                          Que t'esta passant per aquesta ment maravellosa?
I’m on your magical mystery ride                                                     Estic en un viatge magic i mistic
And I’m so dizzy, don’t know what hit me,                                    I estic tant marejada que no se que hem va ferir

but I’ll be alright                                                                                   pero estare be 
My head’s under water                                                                        El meu cap esta sota l'aigua
But I’m breathing fine                                                                         Pero puc respirar bé
You’re crazy and I’m out of my mind                                              Estas boja i jo tambe hu estic 
‘Cause all of me                                                                                   Perque tot el que soc
Loves all of you                                                                                  Es tot el que a tu t'agrada
Love your curves and all your edges                                              M'agraden les teves curves i totes les teves arestes
All your perfect imperfections                                                          Totes les teves perfectes inperfeccions
Give your all to me                                                                              Donem tot de tu
I’ll give my all to you                                                                         Jo et donare tot de mi per tu
You’re my end and my beginning                                                   Tu ets el meu principi i el meu fi.
Even when I lose I’m winning                                                           Inclus quan perdo estic guanyant
‘Cause I give you all, all of me                                                          Perque jo et dono tot de mi
And you give me all, all of you                                                          I tu, hem dones tot de tu
How many times do I have to tell you                                             Quantes vegades t'he de dir
Even when you’re crying you’re beautiful too                              Que quan plores ets hermosa
The world is beating you down,                                                        El mon esta caient els teus peus

I’m around through every mood                                                        Estic passant per cada estat d'anim
You’re my downfall, you’re my muse                                               Tu ets la meva perdicio, tu ets la meva musa
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues                                     La meva pitjor distracio, el meu ritme i el meu blues
I can’t stop singing, it’s ringing, in my head for you                      No puc parar de cantar. Hi ha sonsb teus en el meu cap
My head’s under water                                                                         El meu cap es a sota l'aigua
But I’m breathing fine                                                                          Pero puc respirar be
You’re crazy and I’m out of my mind                                               Estas boja i estic fora de la meva ment
‘Cause all of me                                                                                    Perque tot el que soc
Loves all of you                                                                                   Es tot el que t'encanta
Love your curves and all your edges                                               M'agraden les teves curves i totes les teves arestes
All your perfect imperfections                                                          Totes les teves perfectes imperfecions
Give your all to me                                                                              Donem tot de tu
I’ll give my all to you                                                                         Jo et donare tot de mi per tu
You’re my end and my beginning                                                   Tu ets el meu principi i el meu fi
Even when I lose I’m winning                                                           Inclus quan perdo estic guanyant
‘Cause I give you all of me                                                                Perque jo et dono tot de mi
And you give me all, all of you                                                         I tu, hrm dones tot de tu
Cards on the table, we’re both showing hearts                               Les cartes estan sobre la taula, ensenyem el mon dos cors
Risking it all, though it’s hard                                                          Arriscant tot, encara quesiguidificil 
‘Cause all of me                                                                                   Perque tot el que soc
Loves all of you                                                                                   Es tot el que t'encanta
Love your curves and all your edges                                               M'agraden les teves curves i totes les teves arestes
All your perfect imperfections                                                          Totesles teves perfectes inperfecions
Give your all to me                                                                              Donem tot de tu
I’ll give my all to you                                                                         Jo et donare tot de mi pe tu
You’re my end and my beginning                                                    Tu ets el meu principi i el meu fi
Even when I lose I’m winning                                                           Inclus quan perdo estic guanyant
‘Cause I give you all of me                                                                Perque jo et dono tot de mi
And you give me all of you                                                               I tu, hem dones tot de tu 
I give you all, all of me                                                                       Et donc tot, tot de mi
And you give me all, all of you                                                         I tu donem tot de tu.

The singer of this song is John Legende, this is a romàntic song about what the boy wants to the girl.


Smart mouth: Boca intel·ligent

Risking: Arriscant

Edgest: Arestes

Spinning: Donant voltes

Kidding: Broma


dimecres, 25 de febrer del 2015


I am injured. I have injured the my ankle.
I was playing volyball yesterday at school in gym clas.
Mireia past me the ball and I fell backword to the  wall.
I fell against the wall, and  I sprained my ankle.
I can't walk  for 3 weeks. My foot is bandaged and I use crutches.

divendres, 20 de febrer del 2015


1. When was William Shakespeare born? 1564

2. Where was Shakespeare born?  Stratford upon Avon

3.How many plays did Shakespeare write? 38

4.How many sonnets did Shakespeare write? 154

5.What's the name of the ‘Shakespeare theatre' in London? The Globe Theatre

6.‘To be or not to be, that is the question?’ is from which play? Hamlet 

dijous, 5 de febrer del 2015


My cousins name is Iona.
She is two years old, she is  friendly, nice and a very good person.
She is playful , she likes to play with dolls and she dosen’t like being  disturbed.
Her birthday is on the 28th of January. She has dark hair. She goes to a nursery.    

 Mostrando IMG-20150204-WA0014.jpg                    Mostrando instasquare.jpg 


The name of my dog is Truc, he is small, pretty, furry, agile, clever and every day he  plays with  me.
Its color is black and white, he is four years old, he likes eating bones.
He has a brother he is called Xops. Xops is my cousins dog, he is two years old and he is brown. They are best friends and are always play.

divendres, 30 de gener del 2015


One day my friends from Barcelona arrived  in Figueres on train and when arribed, we went to lunch at  Konic in Figueres.
After we went shopping in Figueres, and  we had snack in Figueres.
Second  we went by bus to Fortà , in Fortià we had  pizzes for dinner  and bread with cold meat and finaly we went to the sleep at my house, it was one of the best moments of  my life.

listen to ‘MY FAVORITE DAY’ on audioBoom

divendres, 16 de gener del 2015

Last night...

The last night me and my friends went to my house to watch  a terror film.
Later my friend Julia went  to the bathroom and later  Julia  saw something move in front of the mirror.
Then Julia screamed, because she saw a spider. Then Julia started  to cry.
Me and my friends went to the bathroom and spider was not  there.


E-mail to e-pal

Dear David.
How are you ? I'm very happy to see you !! :)
Next Saturday you will arrive at 10.00 am at the airport in Barcelona.
First  we will go  to have lunch at KFC in Barcelona we'll travel by Bus.
Later  we willl go to visit Pedrera and finaly we will go to have  dinner at home in Barcelona.

This is Sagrada Familia:                                                              This is Pedrera:

See you ,David.
Kiss ,XXX

Cèlia Viudez Arnau.

divendres, 9 de gener del 2015



1. I will improve all marks.
2. I will eat more fruit.
3. I will  be without mobilphon.


1. Study more 
2. I like buying fruit.
3. Do other things. 


1. I study 1h ever day. 
Monday: Seven to eight.
Tuesday: Four to five.
Wednesday: Seven to eight. 
Thursday: Seven to eight. 
Friday: Five to six 
Saturday: Seven to eight.
Sunday:  Sevent to eight. 

2. Monday 12 of Januari at 7 o' clock 
3.Every day study hours.

dijous, 8 de gener del 2015



My grandparents, mother's parents,are called Joan and Paquita. They have three children, my mother Esther, my uncle Xavier and my aunt  Roser.
My mother is the older sister and only has a daughter (me). My uncle Xavier has three children, James, Chelsea and Emma and he's married with Julie amb my aunt Roser doesn't have any children for the moment, she travels a lot whit her boyfriend Enric.
We also have a dog called Truc, his very loving.  Uncle's dog is called Xops.
All family is very funny.